Men of War (1978) Issue# 3, Page: Cover

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All stats are original. There are slight traces of prior staining still visible on the back of the art. There's a bit of rust at the top, from a staple that was removed. This piece has an image area of 9.75" x 15" and is in Very Good condition.

Last Know Page Value = $4063.00
Last Known Page Owner is heritage auction

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Tranactions for Men of War (1978) Issue# 3, Page: Cover

New Transaction

Transaction ID Added By Type Date Buy Price Sold Date Sold Price
12967 comicgirl Past Purchase 2/19/2015 $4,063.00

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Page Details
Unique Page Identifier: 17100

IssueNo: 3
PageNo: Cover
Art Type: Cover
Publisher: DC

Artist: Joe Kubert
Inker: Joe Kubert

Year: 1977
Comic Era:
Dimensions: 10x15
Page View Count: 1654

AddedDate: 3/15/2015
AddedBy : comicgirl


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