Marvel Team-Up (1972) Issue# 66, Page: 27

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Signed by John Byrne

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@tentpeg, you are right...I did not mean to blame the artist/ emotion was directed at people who ask artists to sign on the artwork. It is just a pet peeve of mine - hate to see artwork changed or defaced even with an autograph when there is a perfectly good border to sign on. Thanks for hearing me rant!
To comicgirl, if the owner of the page does not specify to the artist where to sign, then the artist will sign where he/she wants to sign. In the case of John Byrne, he will sign where you request. However, if you do not request, then he signes where he wants. In this case, it just happened to be in the blast area along the border.
I love this Byrne page...BUT can someone explain to me why artists will autograph a page directly on the artwork like this...instead of the border????

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Page#: 15
UPI: 10468

Artist: John Byrne
Inker: Dave Hunt

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Issue: 66
Page#: 16
UPI: 10467

Artist: John Byrne
Inker: Dave Hunt

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Issue: 66
Page#: 23
UPI: 10466

Artist: John Byrne
Inker: Dave Hunt

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Marvel Team-Up

Issue: 66
Page#: 26
UPI: 10465

Artist: John Byrne
Inker: Dave Hunt

Art Type: Panel
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Marvel Team-Up

Issue: 66
Page#: 30
UPI: 10463

Artist: John Byrne
Inker: Dave Hunt

Art Type: Panel
Added: 3/4/2013 11:15:30 PM

Page Details
Unique Page Identifier: 10464

IssueNo: 66
PageNo: 27
Art Type: Panel
Publisher: Marvel

Artist: John Byrne
Inker: Dave Hunt

Comic Era: Copper
Page View Count: 5512
Characters: ASM, Captain Britian, Arcade

AddedDate: 3/4/2013
AddedBy : tentpeg06

ModifyDate: 3/6/2013
ModifyBy : tentpeg06

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